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Mindfulness for Stress Reduction and Improved Performance
WEEK ONE - Module 1: What Is Mindfulness?
Welcome Message from Melo (2:10)
Module 1 Outline - What is Mindfulness ?
Module 1a) What is mindfulness all about and why is it so popular? (5:57)
Module 1b) Default Mode Network (8:10)
Module 1c) Default Mode Activity (2:35)
Module 1d) Formal and Non-Formal Practices
Module 1e) The Science of Mindfulness
Module 1f) One Question Quiz
Module 2:The Pillars Of Mindfulness
Module 2 Outline - Pillars of Mindfulness
Module 2a) Introduction to the Pillars of Mindfulness Practice (3:01)
Module 2b) More detail on the Pillars of Mindfulness Practice (8:37)
Module 2c) Introduction to your First Formal Practice. (1:15)
Module 2d) Body Scan Meditation Audio
Module 2e) Mindfulmooves Introduction - 1 and 2 movements (8:12)
Module 2f) Introduction to Journal Activity
Module 2g) One Question Quiz
WEEK TWO - Module 3: Understanding Stress.
Module 3: Understanding Stress Outline
Module 3a) What is The Stress Response? (5:35)
Module 3b) What is Fight or Flight again? (3:23)
Module 3c) The Relaxation Response (3:52)
Module 3d) 90 Second Breathing Exercise (4:19)
Module 3e) Journal Activity
Module 3f) One Question Quiz
Module 4: Power of the Breath
Module 4 Outline: Power of the Breath
Module 4a) Breathing Deeper (4:25)
Module 4b) Becoming Less Reactive to Stress
Module 4c) Training the Mind (3:37)
Module 4d) Breath Awareness Meditation
Module 4e) Mindfulmooves 3 and 4 (8:21)
Module 4f) Journal Activity
Module 4g) One Question Quiz
WEEK THREE -Module 5: Dealing with Thoughts and Emotions
Module 5 Outline: Dealing with Thoughts and Emotions
Module 5a) Dealing with Distractions Activity (8:05)
Module 5b) Understanding Primary Emotions (3:52)
Module 5c) The Emotional Response (5:00)
Module 5d) Coping Strategies
Module 5e) Journal Activity
Module 5f) One Question Quiz
Module 6: Dealing with Difficult Emotions
Module 6 Outline : Dealing with Difficult Emotions
Module 6a) Techniques to Deal with Difficult Emotions
Module 6b) Power of Compassion (3:52)
Module 6c) Rewiring a Happy Brain (3:42)
Module 6d) Meditation: Kindness and Compassion.
Module 6e) Mindfulmooves 5 and 6 (6:08)
Module 6f) Journal Activity
Module 6g) One Question Quiz
WEEK FOUR -Module 7: The Forgotten Power of Curiosity and Mindful Eating
Module 7 Outline: The Forgotten Power of Curiosity and Mindful Eating Outline
Module 7a) The Forgotten Power of Curiosity (9:37)
Module 7b) Mindful Eating (5:08)
Module 7c) Mindful Eating Activity
Module 7d) Mindful Eating Handout
Module 7e) Journal Activity
Module7f) One Question Quiz
Module 8: The Art of Letting Go
Module 8 Outline: The Art of Letting Go
Module 8a) Letting Go (6:32)
Module 8b) How Mindfulness can help. (4:23)
Module 8c) Meditation on Curiosity
Module 8d) Mindfulmooves 7 and 8 (6:52)
Module 8e) Journal Activity
Module 8f) One Question Quiz
WEEK FIVE- Module 9: Multitasking Truth or Fiction?
Module 9 Outline: Multitasking truth or fiction?
Module 9a) What actually is multitasking? (6:11)
Module 9b) Multitasking Activity? (4:02)
Module 9c) The Facts - Truth or Fiction (6:55)
Module 9d) Meditation on Thoughts and Sounds
Module 9e) Journal Activity
Module 9f) One Question Quiz
Module 10: Mindful Working and Mindful Walking
Module10 Outline: Mindful Working and Mindful Walking
Module 10a) Stress in the Workplace (8:39)
Module 10b) A Whole Workday of Mindfulness
Module 10c) Tips to Stay Mindful at Work (5:38)
Module 10d) Mindful Walking Meditation (1:23)
Module 10e) Mindfulmooves 9 and 10 (7:34)
Module 10f) Journal Activity
Module 10g) One Question Quiz
WEEK SIX - Module 11: Mindful Movement
Module 11 Outline: Mindful Movement
Module 11a) Benefits of Exercise for your Body and Mind (4:49)
Module 11b) What is Mindful Movement? (3:48)
Module 11c) Mindful Movement -Summary of Benefits
Module 11d) Mindfulmooves 11 and 12 (7:42)
Module 11e) Journal Activity
Module 11f) One Question Quiz
Module 12: Putting it all Together
Module 12 Outline: Putting it all together
Module 12a) Mindful Review and Reminders Week 1-3 (6:48)
Module 12b) Mindful Review and Reminders Week 4-6 (3:54)
Module 12c) Suggestions to use the Formal Practices
Module 12d) The Complete Set of Mindfulmooves (13:46)
Module 12e) Final Journal Activity/ Keep Journaling
Module 12f) Final farewell video (1:13)
Reference list and acknowledgments
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Module 2a) Introduction to the Pillars of Mindfulness Practice
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